
Supporting Youth Programs





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: La Mesa

Total Budget: $7,200

Areas of Focus: Peacebuilding and conflict prevention, Basic education and literacy

Activity Type: RI Youth Programs (Youth Exchange, RYLA, Rotaract, Interact)

Summary: Supporting Youth Scholarships, RYLA and LEAD

The LM Sunrise Rotary Club will initiate a new Interact Club at Helix Charter High School. We will assist the Interact Club with member recruitment, service projects, and fundraising activities. Our club will continue to collaborate with Diego Hills Innovation High School in City Heights. Our foundation will give out up to eight $500 scholarships to successful Innovation High students to continue their education or complete vocational training. We will also support their food pantry by restocking the pantry on a quarterly basis. For the holiday season, we will purchase toys and clothes to give out as gifts for up to 30 children of the teenage students. We will support 3 teams to compete in the 2025 Model UN Conference, including 2-3 international students from Central America (if additional funds can be secured for their airfare). Finally, we will support 6-8 students to attend RYLA and LEAD leadership training programs.

Project Contact Person

District: 5340

Rotary Club of: La Mesa Sunrise

Primary Contact: David Harris

Email: davhar19@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Approved". This means that the district leadership has reviewed and approved the allocation of district funds for this project. Once the funds from the district have been issued, the status of the project will be changed to "Paid".

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





La Mesa Sunrise (5340)









Project Supporting Documents

Bank account


Project Photos

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Go to the administration page to upload photos.

History Log Entries


System Entry

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by David Harris

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by David Harris

System Entry: Project signed by David Harris.


by Alan Turner

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.

© 2010 Philippe Lamoise - Website design by Philippe Lamoise, D2G Online