Global Grant Proposal Form for Project G-3584 Last updated by Amanda Cardona Giraldo <> on 27-Feb-25 Project Title Water Source Of Life Type of Project [X] Humanitarian [ ] VTT [ ] Scholarship Primary Host Partner Information
Primary International Partner Information
Grant Host Committee
Grant International Committee
Do any of these committee members have potential conflict of interest? If so, please briefly explain. No, none of the members of this committee have a conflict of interest Tell us a little about your project. What are the main objectives of the project, and who will benefit from it? The objective of the project is to provide drinking water in the educational institutions of the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya (Laurel, La Camelia, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, La Morelia Baja and la Sagrada Familia), through the supply, installation and implementation of POTABILIZATION PLANTS, for the treatment of available agricultural water (untreated - non-potable) supplied in the rural area by the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia; this entity is in charge of collecting and distributing untreated water to the different properties in the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya. In addition, the project will support civil works and training for children, youth, adolescents, parents, teachers and the community in the rational use of water and basic sanitation, benefiting approximately 400 people. Which area of focus will this project support?
Which goals of this area of focus will your project support? - How will you measure your project impact?
Do you know who will collect information for monitoring and evaluation? -
Humanitarian Project Improve the quality of water for human consumption in 6 (Six) educational institutions in the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya, Quindío; specifically the Educational Institutions of Laurel, La Camelia, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, La Morelia Baja and La Sagrada Familia; to meet this need, it is intended to supply, install and implement ONE POTABILIZATION PLANT in each institution, whose efficiency has been proven by the supplier of the systems in other educational institutions where they have been installed- We hope to start this project in June 2025 through water quality laboratory tests. (These systems have been installed by the coffee growers committee in other rural areas of the department of Quindío). This project will benefit approximately 400 people, including people from early childhood to the elderly. Lack of access to potable water. The existing aqueduct is for agricultural use, supplied by the Quindío coffee committee, which takes water from natural tributaries and distributes it through its networks without treating it with water. (Raw water). Risk of water-related diseases. This increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, cholera, among others; Limitations in hygiene and sanitation. The ‘Water, Source of Life’ project seeks to address these needs through: Installation of water treatment plants; Training in rational use of water and basic sanitation; improvement of infrastructure (Coffee committee contributes within the project). Direct beneficiaries: 400 permanent people (approx.) plus the floating population (approx. 400 more) from the populated centers located near the educational institutions. The populations served will be: Children and young students from the 6 rural educational institutions; teachers and staff of the educational institutions; parents and the community in general. The project hopes to: Reduce related diseases; Improve hygiene and sanitation in educational institutions and homes; Increase student attendance and academic performance; Strengthen awareness and practices of rational water use in the community The costs of operation, preventive and corrective maintenance of the WATER TREATMENT PLANT: will be borne by the Municipal Mayor of Quimbaya, who is responsible for paying for the water service consumption, and the Educational Institutions will deliver letters of commitment that guarantee investment of resources for preventive and corrective maintenance, supplies, and operational expenses for the operation of the drinking water treatment plants. The endorsement of the coffee growers committee is available and with them, training will be provided to children, young people, adolescents, parents, teachers, and maintenance. The community, in rational use of water, hygiene, and basic sanitation; Verification and monitoring visits will be carried out to determine that the Treatment System is well installed and that the educational institutions are giving the system correct and adequate use. When analyzing the information collected, a close relationship is found with the causes of outpatient consultation at the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Hospital, where diseases such as diarrhea and infectious gastroenteritis were part of the common denominator in the child population of homes in populated centers in the rural sector (Vereda Naranjal, Pueblo Rico and Laurel). In field work it was identified that the inhabitants of the populated centers state that at least 1 or 2 times a month their children have diarrhea and vomiting associated with gastrointestinal diseases. They also highlight the importance of having potable water systems for educational institutions to reduce diseases in children. The coverage of medical services in the populated centers is not sufficient, taking into account that the population demands more services, consequently, they are forced to travel to the municipal capital for care and outpatient services. D. 4281 WATER & SANITATION Thanks to your support, our club will help the community by solving its most important needs. We appreciate the analysis of this project. For more information, contact: Name: Amanda Cardona Giraldo Telephone: +57 320 697 5174 Email: Name: David Acevedo Buriticá Email: Telephone: +57 311 304 6532 CONCEPT VALUE IN PESOS VALUE IN DOLLARS Cost of the project COP$ $51.000 COP$ COP$ COP$ COP$ COP$ $1.000 $ $ $ $ Local Club District 4281 International Club/s International District/s The Rotary Foundation Approaches were made with the Principals of the different educational institutions, representing the Laurel school, La Camelia, Principal Néstor Jaramillo Arias, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, Principal John Faber Arredondo, La Morelia Baja and the Sagrada Familia Principal Gerardo Burgos Camelo. The participation of the community is carried out at multiple moments of the project: Permanent training, the responsibility of the educational institutions in the operation, maintenance and care of the equipment, and the verification of the functioning of the water purification systems in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Quimbaya. The rural sector in general requires the purification of the water that reaches their homes, becoming not only a great social need as well as a health need, the community has been asking for it but it has not been possible to solve it due to topographical issues as well as expenses and availability.
Cooperating Organization (Optional)
Why did you choose to partner with this organization and what will its role be? Federación Nacional de Cafeteros / Comite de Cafeteros del Quindío is an organization that leads projects to support rural communities. Additionally, it is responsible for managing and overseeing the supply of agricultural water networks (water not suitable for human consumption). We consider it a key stakeholder that will oversee the execution of civil works for the adaptation and implementation of our water purification systems, ensuring the provision of high-quality water. Partners (Optional) List any other partner that will participate in this project. Club Rotario Armenia Interational Volunteer Travelers (Optional) Provide name, email of traveler(s). - Describe this person's role in the project. Luz Janeth Agudelo Responsible for social work with the community, the formulation and design of training and socialization methodology of the project to the different beneficiary actors. Maria Fernanda Responsible for the technical design of drinking water purification systems for educational institutions, as well as the design of the hydraulic network, design and supervision of the space for its establishment in accordance with regulations and technical parameters to guarantee quality service Rotarian Participants Describe the role that host Rotarians will have in this project. Amanda Cardona. Responsible for planning and researching the needs of the benefited community. He has managed and led the different committees and meetings with the entities interested in the project and the community. David Acevedo Responsible for the scope of the initiative and coverage for the community, he has carried out the collection of information, visits to the community and the participation of the technical and social committees. Describe the role that international Rotarians will have in this project. - What is the budget for this grant?
Tell us about the funding you have secured for your project.
Humanitarian Projects - Project Planning Describe the community needs that your project will address. Lack of access to potable water. The existing aqueduct is for agricultural use, supplied by the Quindío coffee committee, which takes water from natural tributaries and distributes it through its networks without treating it with water. (Raw water). Risk of water-related diseases. This increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, cholera, among others; Limitations in hygiene and sanitation. The ‘Water, Source of Life’ project seeks to address these needs through: Installation of water treatment plants; Training in rational use of water and basic sanitation; improvement of infrastructure (Coffee committee contributes within the project). Direct beneficiaries: 400 permanent people (approx.) plus the floating population (approx. 400 more) from the populated centers located near the educational institutions. The populations served will be: Children and young students from the 6 rural educational institutions; teachers and staff of the educational institutions; parents and the community in general. The project hopes to: Reduce related diseases; Improve hygiene and sanitation in educational institutions and homes; Increase student attendance and academic performance; Strengthen awareness and practices of rational water use in the community. How did your project team identify these needs. The process that was followed involved analyzing the information obtained from surveys conducted with the population of the affected areas. analyzing the information collected, a close relationship is found with the causes of outpatient consultation at the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Hospital, where diseases such as diarrhea and infectious gastroenteritis were part of the common denominator in the child population of homes in populated centers in the rural sector (Vereda Naranjal, Pueblo Rico and Laurel). How were members of the benefiting community involved in finding solutions. The community, in rational use of water, hygiene, and basic sanitation; Verification and monitoring visits will be carried out to determine that the Treatment System is well installed and that the educational institutions are giving the system correct and adequate use. How were community members involved in planning the project. The community, in rational use of water, hygiene, and basic sanitation; Verification and monitoring visits will be carried out to determine that the Treatment System is well installed and that the educational institutions are giving the system correct and adequate use. When analyzing the information collected, a close relationship is found with the causes of outpatient consultation at the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Hospital, where diseases such as diarrhea and infectious gastroenteritis were part of the common denominator in the child population of homes in populated centers in the rural sector (Vereda Naranjal, Pueblo Rico and Laurel). In field work it was identified that the inhabitants of the populated centers state that at least 1 or 2 times a month their children have diarrhea and vomiting associated with gastrointestinal diseases. They also highlight the importance of having potable water systems for educational institutions to reduce diseases in children. The coverage of medical services in the populated centers is not sufficient, taking into account that the population demands more services, consequently, they are forced to travel to the municipal capital for care and outpatient services. Humanitarian Projects - Project Implementation Summarize each step of your project's implementation.
Will you work in coordination with any related initiative in the community? If yes, briefly describe the other initiatives and how they relate to this project. If no, please explain. Are local initiatives not addressing these needs? Or, if they are, why did you decide not to work with them? Yes, the community is very interested in solving the health conditions of the children's population and providing a better response to the drinking water problems in the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya. Please describe the training, community outreach, or educational programs this project will include. Coffee institutional socialization, food security, educational forestry plan with the "Maracay nursery" for planting and caring for native species, community training in the environmental component, commitments and responsibilities with the project How were these needs identified? The needs were identified from the databases provided by Hospital Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Quimbaya, where cases of diseases of the rural population that attend consultation or the emergency service for gastrointestinal diseases, derived from the consumption of untreated water, are identified. What incentives (for example, monetary compensation, awards, certification, or publicity), will you use, if any, to encourage community members to participate in the project? Incentives have not been considered List any community members or community groups that will oversee the continuation of the project after grant-funded activities conclude. Educational institutions, National Federation of Coffee Growers, Community Action Boards, community benefiting from the project Budget Will you purchase budget items from local vendors? Explain the process you used to select vendors. Quotes for supplies and items to local suppliers will be selected according to quality, benefit, after-sales service, efficiency, lower value. Did you use competitive bidding to select vendors? If no, please explain. Yes, according to the technical specifications and the best possible offer that allows after-sales service, maintenance programs, user manuals and training for handling and maintenance. Please provide an operating and maintenance plan for the equipment or materials you purchased for this project. This plan should include who will operate and maintain the equipment and how they will be trained. There is no plan at the moment Describe how community members will maintain the equipment after grant-funded activities conclude. Will replacement parts be available? Educational institutions with their own resources will be responsible for preventive and corrective maintenance of the equipment. If the grant will be used to purchase any equipment, will the equipment be culturally appropriate and conform to the community's technology standards? If yes, please explain. If no, describe how the project team will help community members adopt the technology. They are equipment certified by the manufacturing companies and regulated by Colombian regulations for the treatment of drinking water. After the project is completed, who will own the items purchased by grant funds? No items may be owned by a Rotary district, club, or member. The educational institutions where the equipment will be installed Funding Have you found a local funding source to sustain project outcomes for the long term? If yes, please describe this funding source. The educational institutions will be responsible for the operation and care of the equipment to guarantee operation and sustainability over time. Will any part of the project generate income for ongoing project funding? If yes, please explain. No Is your economic and community development activity a microcredit project? If yes, upload your microcredit supplement file. no |