Vista Hill is fortunate to have several behavioral health programs focused on prevention, early intervention, and treatment for San Diego youth. Our community funders generously provide funds for the services themselves; however, youth and their families are facing so many barriers and challenges to their overall health and stability. Many of these challenges such as paying for basic needs, IDs, bus passes, or clothing to start an after-school job are not met through these contracts. This funding would help remove these barriers, as well as provide incentives and rewards for those showing positive progress in their service plan goals.
Statement of Need:
A majority of the youth served at Vista Hill are low income and live in areas suffering from generational poverty, crime, and a lack of resources. We are seeing children and teens facing high rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns, and many are also abusing substances or are at-risk for substance use. Due to this, their school performance is hindered, and they are having behavioral issues at home and at school. Without our assistance, many of these youth could end up in the criminal justice system.
Our youth programming targets this population from ages 3-18 and teaches ways to make internal changes, relationship changes, and positive health choices. Staff address school and family related issues, help students succeed with academics and social interactions, and work to improve their behavior and family relationships. Our goal is to support the overall well-being of the youth we serve, teach them the skills for positive mental health, and exemplify how to be contributing members of the community. We believe that by providing guidance and empowering these youth, they can find their path away from at-risk behaviors they are regularly exposed to and develop into healthy, thriving young adults.
Project/Request Description:
If awarded funds, five Vista Hill youth programs briefly described here would benefit equally:
-PROMOTE! seeks to further the educational progress and well-being of school students between 3 to 8 years of age that are at risk for developing problem behaviors and mental health conditions. PROMOTE! is a three-way partnership of Vista Hill, Escondido Union Elementary School District, and the County of San Diego.
-Bridges Teen Center treats adolescents from ages 12 - 17 with a strong desire to make serious personal, social, and behavioral improvements to be free of alcohol or drugs. Counselors are available in our main site and various high schools (primarily Lincoln and Morse High Schools). Located in Central San Diego.
-Merit Academy is designed for students with special learning needs and behavioral concerns. Our clinicians and behavioral specialists provide a comprehensive range of integrated mental health services on campus that support student academic and behavioral success. Located in East County.
-Support for Adolescents & Families in Recovery (SAFIR) is a chemical dependency recovery-based community support program for teens and their parents. SAFIR is offered County-wide.
-Learning Assistance Center's "clinic without walls" brings clinical care to students while at school, in the home, or in the community. Services address a range of behavioral health issues for children and teens ages 3 through 18.
Each of these programs use evidence-based practices and curricula to work with our target population.