The Rotary Blood Centre (called as Blood bank previously) established 28 years ago, has been serving the community of over 300,000 five revenue Districts of Karnataka by providing quality safe blood to needy patients getting treatment in more than 240 multispecialty hospitals. The Blood Centre is being managed by Shimoga Midtown Rotary Charitable Foundation.
Over the years need for whole blood and different components of blood like Plasma and its components, Platelets, Packed cells and different fractions of Blood need has been increasing in the Community. Frequent epidemics like Dengue, Snake Bites, and Bleeding associated with Maternity and childbirth, increasing road accidents resulting in Poly Trauma, Burns, Blood disorders like Thalassemia, Hemophilia have further necessitated these demands. The capacity of the blood center has reached its limit and with the existing facilities it is not able meet the ever-increasing demands of the community.
The Blood bank center need an upgrade on the equipment to meet the demand.
1. 16 bags Component separation next generation centrifuge with high-speed precision [Remi Model 90 Plus centrifuge]
40c plasma freezer [REMI FREEZER] - 2 nos.
80c plasma freezer [REMI FREEZER]- one
Total Cost: $55,908
2 60kva Diesel Generator [60KVA Ashok ley land diesel generator set]
Cost: $ 9294
3. Misc. expenses: $1400
Finances; A proposal Club 5% fee TRF match
RC of Shimoga $11,032 $565.10
RI District 3182 $8000 $6400 $6400
RC of Hollis-Brookline, NH $5000 $250
RC of Fort Collins Breakfast $ 7500 $325
RI district 5440 $15,000 $12,000
Total $65,202