IMPROVING SANITATION AND HYGIENE IN Shashemene District, in Oromia Region in the southern part of MUNICIPALITY, ETHIOPIA
PROJECT TITLE: MICROFLUSH TOILETS: Enhancing Sanitation and Public Health Shashemene District, in Oromia Region in the southern part of Ethiopia.
To improve sanitation, hygiene, and access to safe water in Shashemene District, in Oromia Region in the southern part of Ethiopia. Municipality by constructing septic toilets, emptying pit latrines, and providing hygiene education to the community.
Improve access to safe sanitation facilities in schools, Health centers, and public places like markets, parks, truck parks, through the construction of septic toilets.
Reduce the incidence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid by improving hygiene practices and sanitation infrastructure.
Provide safe water access by implementing connection to tap water at all new constructed septic toilets in schools, health centers and public places.
Educate the community on hygiene and sanitation best practices to sustain the benefits of improved infrastructure.
Create job opportunities through the training of sanitation workers and technical staff to maintain and manage the newly established sanitation systems.
Key Identified Problems:
Lack of a sewage system in WONDO Municipality.
Only three public pit latrines for a population of 45,650, one in the market of which is nearly full and broken down.
76% of the population lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
High prevalence of waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid due to poor sanitation due to the construction and use of pit latrine that contaminates underground waters. The digging of pit latrines in the process the water table is penetrated and mixed with the near by water used for drinking and cooking and people end up getting sick.
Inadequate sanitation facilities in public places like markets, bus parks, and schools.
Overcrowded schools with inadequate toilets, contributing to high dropout rates, especially among girls.
No garbage management system, leading to contamination of water sources by human waste.
Approximately 45,650 residents of Shashemene District, in Oromia Region in the southern part of Ethiopia Municipality, including: Students in overcrowded schools, Traders and customers in markets, Truck drivers and passengers in taxi parks and truck parks, Patients and healthcare workers in health centers Women/men, girls, and children.
Communities surrounding wondo Municipality who will benefit from improved sanitation and reduced disease transmission.
Microflush toilets
The Ethiopian Microflush Building project will construct ninety-two (92) Microflush toilets in Ethiopia. We aim to improve access to safe and hygienic sanitation facilities in rural communities using Microflush toilets in very rural and poor communities in Southern Ethiopia.
The project funding goal is $41500 to impact 552 lives.
The communities impacted are in Shashemene District, in Oromia Region in the southern part of Ethiopia.
All communities will provide local leadership, labor, and funding. The communities will raise over $450 toward building microflush toilets through labor contribution.