Project Name: Better Life for Women & Girls in Egypt.
Project Objectives:
Empower women & Girls Economically & Socially and providing them with financial and non-financial services with the aim of availing decent life and better future to them, especially for the marginalized groups.
Community Needs:
The project will be implemented in El Khanka district in Qaliobia Governorate in Greater Cairo. It is an area of 7 square km and contains around 70,000 people (more than 50% are women). It is considered one of the remote, poor areas in Egypt. It has an illiteracy rate of 29% for citizens above 15 years old. It is specialized in handicrafts, pesticides production and food production.
The Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU) (Umbrella Association) & the Arab Women association (Implementing Agency) will be responsible for identifying the community needs and the implementation of the project.
(The Umbrella Union who will follow up on the implementing agency performance) is Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU)
The EFU profile is as follows:
In 1923, the well-known feminist and women's rights activist Huda Shaarawi established the first Egyptian Feminist Union (EFU). The Union had 250 members sourced from mainly upper- and middle-class Egyptian women.
In 1952, All political parties were then dissolved.
The Egyptian Feminist Union was re-established to discuss the exclusion of women from decision making structures in November 2011 on basis of a recommendation of a conference that was held in June 2011 and organized by the Alliance for Arab Women in coordination with other NGOs organized a national conference in Cairo that was attended by around 3000 women and men from all governorates of Egypt
EFU has participated in the transition process through:
• Influencing the committee which formulated the 2014 constitution to include articles to safeguard women rights.
• Mobilized women in all the governments of Egypt to cast their votes in all elections and referendums.
• Organized and participated in demonstrations to prevent abolishing gender sensitive legislations.
• Educating women about their legal rights.
• Addressing intolerance and violence
EFU works with all sectors of the society. Its membership includes 180 NGOs spreading all over the Egyptian governorates. It also works with all the political parties without discrimination. It works in close collaboration with the Alliance for Arab Women and UN Women for example.
One of the EFU members will be the implementing Association The that will be the intermediary who will serve the end beneficiaries and provide Micro Finance Loans to them.
The implementing Agency profile is as follows:
Arab Women association is the implementing association is the entity who will be involved in the target groups selection, and they will follow up on the selected beneficiary ladies after which funds will be lent to them and make sure that they start a project or expand an existing one. This association is called Arab Women association. This association is an experienced entity serving woman and have a great experience and market information about El Khanka district in Qaliobia as their physical premises is there, and they are working in the field since 1987. They will also provide an in-kind contribution to the woman beneficiaries on how to manage their projects efficiently.
PARTICIPANTS :20 people from RC Cairo Royal & the implementing NGO will participate in implementing this project
196 ladies & girls between the age of 18-50 will receive training by the implementing NGO as in kind contribution, in addition to the loans that will be availed to the Micro Finance projects via this grant, during the first year of implementation. The project will be supervised by the EFU & the Rotary
For 3 years to (revolve the fund) after which the implementing NGO will keep revolving the funds to other borrowers as it will receive the fund in a grant form. During the first three years, it is expected that the loans will be used for two cycles as the loan tenor to the beneficiaries varies from 6 to 24 month, according to the project type, accordingly the expected number of borrowers receiving the loan, in the first 3 years is 392 borrowers with an average loan size of 10,000 LE. An average number of family members of each beneficiary is estimated at 4 persons, so this will result in benefiting approx. 1560 beneficiaries directly & indirectly including the borrowers family members, who will benefit from the betterment of the family living standards. In addition to availing products to the whole area citizens.