Improve the quality of water for human consumption in 6 (Six) educational institutions in the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya, Quindío; specifically the Educational Institutions of Laurel, La Camelia, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, La Morelia Baja and La Sagrada Familia; to meet this need, it is intended to supply, install and implement ONE POTABILIZATION PLANT in each institution, whose efficiency has been proven by the supplier of the systems in other educational institutions where they have been installed through water quality laboratory tests. (These systems have been installed by the coffee growers committee in other rural areas of the department of Quindío). This project will benefit approximately 400 people, including people from early childhood to the elderly.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (15 lines maximum) Improve the quality of water for human consumption in 6 (Six) educational institutions in the rural area of the municipality of Quimbaya, Quindío; specifically the Educational Institutions of Laurel, La Camelia, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, La Morelia Baja and La Sagrada Familia; to meet this need, it is intended to supply, install and implement ONE POTABILIZATION PLANT in each institution, whose efficiency has been proven by the supplier of the systems in other educational institutions where they have been installed through water quality laboratory tests. (These systems have been installed by the coffee growers committee in other rural areas of the department of Quindío). This project will benefit approximately 400 people, including people from early childhood to the elderly.
PLEASE DESCRIBE WHAT NEEDS YOU IDENTIFIED? HOW WILL THE PROJECT ADDRESS THESE NEEDS? WHO WILL BENEFICIARY OF THIS PROJECT? MENTION AN ESTIMATED NUMBER OF BENEFICIARIES. (15 lines maximum). Lack of access to potable water. The existing aqueduct is for agricultural use, supplied by the Quindío coffee committee, which takes water from natural tributaries and distributes it through its networks without treating it with water. (Raw water). Risk of water-related diseases. This increases the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, cholera, among others; Limitations in hygiene and sanitation. The "Water, Source of Life" project seeks to address these needs through: Installation of water treatment plants; Training in rational use of water and basic sanitation; improvement of infrastructure (Coffee committee contributes within the project). Direct beneficiaries: 400 permanent people (approx.) plus the floating population (approx. 400 more) from the populated centers located near the educational institutions. The populations served will be: Children and young students from the 6 rural educational institutions; teachers and staff of the educational institutions; parents and the community in general. The project hopes to: Reduce related diseases; Improve hygiene and sanitation in educational institutions and homes; Increase student attendance and academic performance; Strengthen awareness and practices of rational water use in the community.
SUSTAINABILITY: (explain how the project will continue to operate once the financial support you receive for this project ends)
The costs of operation, preventive and corrective maintenance of the WATER TREATMENT PLANT: will be borne by the Municipal Mayor of Quimbaya, who is responsible for paying for the water service consumption, and the Educational Institutions will deliver letters of commitment that guarantee investment of resources for preventive and corrective maintenance, supplies, and operational expenses for the operation of the drinking water treatment plants. The endorsement of the coffee growers committee is available and with them, training will be provided to children, young people, adolescents, parents, teachers, and maintenance.
the community, in rational use of water, hygiene, and basic sanitation; Verification and monitoring visits will be carried out to determine that the Treatment System is well installed and that the educational institutions are giving the system correct and adequate use.
When analyzing the information collected, a close relationship is found with the causes of outpatient consultation at the Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Hospital, where diseases such as diarrhea and infectious gastroenteritis were part of the common denominator in the child population of homes in populated centers in the rural sector (Vereda Naranjal, Pueblo Rico and Laurel). In field work it was identified that the inhabitants of the populated centers state that at least 1 or 2 times a month their children have diarrhea and vomiting associated with gastrointestinal diseases. They also highlight the importance of having potable water systems for educational institutions to reduce diseases in children. The coverage of medical services in the populated centers is not sufficient, taking into account that the population demands more services, consequently, they are forced to travel to the municipal capital for care and outpatient services. Approaches were made with the Principals of the different educational institutions, representing the Laurel school, La Camelia, Principal Néstor Jaramillo Arias, Pueblo Rico, El Jardín, Principal John Faber Arredondo, La Morelia Baja and the Sagrada Familia Principal Gerardo Burgos Camelo. The participation of the community is carried out at multiple moments of the project: Permanent training, the responsibility of the educational institutions in the operation, maintenance and care of the equipment, and the verification of the functioning of the water purification systems in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Quimbaya. The rural sector in general requires the purification of the water that reaches their homes, becoming not only a great social need as well as a health need, the community has been asking for it but it has not been possible to solve it due to topographical issues as well as expenses and availability.